Our Partners
We are grateful to our many corporate sponsors whose generosity keeps Beacon Hill and its students growing and thriving.


Educate NOW: Invest in our kids

Educate NOW is Beacon Hill’s community-based initiative led by a collaboration of community partners who are investing in local at-risk students to maximize their opportunity for academic success in a structured, supplemental, and focused learning environment.
Based upon funding, this seasoned program is structured to adopt a cohort of students who will receive individualized attention, achieve academic mastery in their core subjects, and show demonstrable proof of applied learning that will ensure their academic success in middle school, high school, and beyond. The team of corporate leaders and community visionaries will provide expertise, time, talent, and financial capital to transform the lives of local students.
According to recent studies from the Institute for Competitive Workforce (ICW), “…the capacity for developmental workplace skills begins in the first five years of life. This is the beginning point for a person’s creativity, communication, team working, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. It is imperative that serious corrective action is taken to improve our education system. Children need to enter Kindergarten prepared to learn. In addition, seamless transitions from grade to grade through post-secondary education must be created to develop a nation of life-long learners who are equipped for successful careers. Yet, many of our nation’s students are unprepared for the demands of the knowledge-based economy.”
Beacon Hill Preparatory Institute (BHPI) has assembled the transformation team and will be the host organization that will manage the program within schools and community-based centers. BHPI and partners will track progress and results and offer auxiliary programs where the parent(s) can equally invest in their child(ren)’s proficiency, progress, and master of their assigned subjects as well as the consistent advancement of their academic goals.
Business has a clear economic stake in the future of our nation’s children and should be active partners in promoting programs that help young children succeed.
In a survey of U.S Chamber of Commerce members, nine out of ten agreed that to ensure the United States remains competitive with other high-achieving countries, we must raise academic expectations and performance. Right now, 80 to 90 million American adults, about half of the workforce, do not have the basic education and communication skills required to acquire and advance in jobs. To compete and win in this economy, we need a well-educated, team-capable, and job-ready workforce. Investments in young children set tomorrow’s employees on a trajectory to meet these demands.